These are the herbs we carry.
English Name | Other Name | Español |
Acacia Flower | Cassie Flower | |
Acorn charm | ||
African mojo bean | Frijol del deseo | |
Agar-Agar | Agar-Agar | |
Agrimony | Sticklewort | |
Alfalfa | Lucerne | Alfalfa |
Alfalfa seed | Semilla de Alfalfa | |
Alkanet root | Anchusa | |
All spice | Jamaican pepper | Pimienta malaguea |
Alligator pepper | ||
Alpiste | Canary seed | Alpiste |
Althea root | Marshmallow root | |
Angelica root | Masterwort | |
Anise seed | Semilla de anis | |
Anise star | Anis estrella | |
Annatto seed | Bija | Achiote |
Arnica | Wolf's bane | Arnica |
Arrow root | Bermuda Arrow root | |
Ashwagandha | ||
Ashwagandha root | ||
Astragalus root | ||
Barberry root | Holy thorn | Yerba de la sangre |
Barley | Cebada (grano) | |
Barley grass | Cebada (polvo) | |
Basil leaf | Albahaca | |
Bay leaf | Laurel | |
Bayberry | Yellow shrub | Arbol de la cera |
Bee pollen granules | Polen de abeja | |
Benzoin | Benjui | Perrubia |
Bergamot | ||
Beth root | Indian love | |
Birch bark | Betula | Corteza de abedul |
Bistort | ||
Bittersweet | ||
Black Cohosh | Rattleroot | Hierba de la chinche |
Black sesame seed | Ajonjoli negro | |
Black Walnut | English Walnut | Nogal |
Blackberry leaf | Hojas de mora | |
Bladderwrack | Seawrack | |
Blessed thistle | Holy thistle | Cardo santo |
Blood root powder | Red puccoon red | |
Blue cohosh | Papose root | Arándano azul |
Blue flag | Water flag | |
Blue verbain | Verbena azul | |
Bluestone | Copper sulfate | |
Boneset | White snake root | |
Borage | Borago | Borraja |
Bucktorn bark | ||
Buckwhwat Hulls | Beech wheat | Alforfon |
Bull's eye | Jerusalem bean | Ojo de buey |
Burdock herb | Bardana | |
Burdock root | Thorny burr | |
Butcher's Broom root | Escoba de carnicero | |
Button snake root | Blazing star | |
Calamus root | Sweet flag | |
Caraway seed | Alcaravea | |
Cardamom seed | Cardamomo | |
Carqueja | Bacanta | Tres espigas |
Catnip | Cat's wort | Hierba gatera |
Cat's claw | Uña de gato | |
Cayenne pepper | Pimienta de cayena | |
Cedar chips | Cedro | |
Celandine | Tetter wort | |
Chamomile | Manzanilla | |
Chaparral | Encinilla | Gobernadora |
Chia seed | Chia | |
Chickedweed | Satin flowers | |
Chicory root | Succory | |
Chili pepper crushed | Chile | |
Chrysanthemum | Chrysanths | Crisantemo |
Cinchona bark | Peruvian bark | Quina roja |
Cinnamon Powder | Canela en polvo | |
Cinnamon sticks | Canela en rama | |
Cleavers | Goosegrass | Amor de hortelano |
Cloves | Clavo | |
Cocobolo | Rosewood | |
Colts foot | Cough wort | |
Comfrey | Blackwort | Consuelda |
Copal | Jabonuco | |
Coriander seed | Semilla cilantro | |
Corn silk | Sea mays | Barbas de elote |
Cornflowers petals | Bachelor's button | Flor de maíz |
Cubed berry | Love berries | |
Cummin seed | Comino | |
Damiana | Damiana | |
Dandelion | Lion's tooth | Diente de león |
Devil's claw root | Arthritis tea | |
Devil's show string | Lazo del diablo | |
Dill seed | Dell fruit | Eneldo |
Dog grass | Couch grass | Grama |
Dragon's blood | Sangre de dragón | |
Dulse | ||
Echinacea | ||
Elder flower | Boor tree | Flor de sauco |
Elderberry | Arbre de Judas | Sauco |
Elecampane root | Elf dock | |
Eleuthero root | ||
Epazote | Jerusalem oak | Epazote |
Eucalyptus leaf | Blue gum tree | Eucalipto |
Eyebright | Eufrasia | |
Female magnetic stone | Piedra imán hembra | |
Fennel seed | Hinojo | |
Fenugreek seed | Foenugreek | |
Fever few | Feather few | |
Five finger grass | Silverweed | |
Flax | Linaza | |
Frankincense | ||
Fumitory Earth Smoke | Fumaria | |
Galangal root | Cheing John | |
Gentian root | Bitterwort | Raíz de Genciana |
Germander | Camedrio | |
Ginger | Jenjibre | |
Ginkgo leaf | Kew tree | |
Gold Powder | Polvo de oro | |
Gotu kola | ||
Grape seed | Semilla de uva | |
Gravel root | Ague weed | |
Guarana seed | Brazilian cocoa | Guaraná |
Guinea pepper | Grains of paradise | |
Gum arabic powder | Acacia en polvo | |
Gymnema | ||
Hawthorne berries | Haw | Espino blanco |
Hibiscus flower | Jamaica | |
Hierba Santa María | Tarragón | Tarragón |
High John Root | Jalap root | Raiz Juan Conquistador |
Honeysuckle | ||
Hops | Lúpulo | Flor de cerveza |
Horehound | Ballota | Ballota |
Horse Chesnut | Conker tree | Castaño de Indias |
Horseradish | Great Raifort | Rábano |
Hydrangea | ||
Hyssop | ||
Ikin | ||
Indian hemp | Jabowandi | |
Irish moss | Carragheen | |
Jasmine | Jazmin | |
Jezebel root | ||
Juniper berry | Enebro | |
Kava kava | Ava pepper | |
Kelp | ||
Knotgrass | ||
Kudzu root | ||
Lady bug root | Peonia | |
Lady's mantle herb | Lion's foot | |
Lavender | Alhucema | Lavanda |
Lemon balm | Bergamont mint | Toronjil |
Lemon grass | ||
Lemon peel | Cáscara limón | |
Lemon Verbena | Cedron | |
Licorice | Orosuz | |
Licorice sticks | Orosuz | Regaliz |
Linden leaf & flower | Flor de tilo | |
Lobelia indian pink | ||
Long pepper | Pipli | Pimienta larga |
Lotus Root | ||
Lovage | Ligusticum | |
Lungwort | Pulmonaria | |
Maca | ||
Mace | ||
Madder root | Bengal madder | Rubia de tintas |
Male Fern | King's Fern | |
Male magnetic stone | Piedra imán macho | |
Malva | Tall mallow | |
Mandrake Root | Mayapple | |
Marigold | Caléndula | |
Marjoram | Moencil | Mejorana |
Master of the Woods | Woodruff | |
Milk thistle | ||
Mimosa | ||
Mistletoe | Muérdago | |
Moringa Leaf | ||
Motherwort | Agripalma | Agripalma |
Mugwort | Artemisa vulgaris | Artemisa vulgaris |
Muira puama | Potency wood | |
Mullein | Blanket herb | Gordolobo |
Mustard seeds | Semillas de mostaza | |
Myrtle | Mirto | Arrayán |
Neem | Neem | |
Nettle | Stinging nettles | Ortiga |
Nigella seeds | Black cumin | |
Nutmeg | Nuez moscada | |
Oatsraw | Green oats | Paja de avena |
Olive leaf | Hojas de olivo | |
Orange peel | Cáscara de naranjo | |
Oregano | Oregano | |
Oregon grape root | Holy leaf barberry | Uva Oregón |
Palo Santo | ||
Papaya leaf | Papaw | Papaya (hoja) |
Parsley | Perejil | |
Passion Flower | Maypops | Pasiflora |
Patchouli luaf | Pachouli | |
Pau D'Arco | Taheebo | |
Peach leaf | Hoja de durazno | |
Pellitory of the wall | Master root | Parietaria |
Pennyroyal | Squaw mint | Poleo |
Peony root | ||
Peppercorn | Pimienta color | |
Peppermint | Menta | |
Periwinkle Vinca Major | ||
Plantain | Ripple grass | |
Poke root | Pigeon berry | |
Poppy seed | ||
Psylliium seed | ||
Quassia chips | Bitter wood | |
Queen of the meadow | Meadow sweet | Reina del prado |
Queen root | Orris root | Lirio de Florencia |
Raspberry leaf | Hoja de frambuesa | |
Reckit's blue | Añil | Añil |
Red clover | ||
Rose bud | Botón de rosa | |
Rose hips | Rosa mosqueta | |
Rosemary | Romero | |
Rue | Ruda | |
Sacred bark | Cáscara sagrada | |
Sacred heart root | Raíz del sagrado corazón | |
Safflower | Azafrán | |
Sage | Salvia | |
Sandalwood | Sándalo | |
Sarsaparrilla | Sarsaparrilla | |
Sassafras | ||
Saw palmetto | Sabal | Palmito enano |
Schizandra berry | Magnolia berry | |
Schizandra berry (whole) | ||
Scouring rush | Popotillo | |
Sea salt | Sal de mar | |
Senna leaf | Hoja Sen | Hoja Sen |
Sesame seed | Ajonjoli | |
Shave grass | Horse tail | Cola de caballo |
Sheep sorrel | Red sorrel | Acedera de oveja |
Shells | ||
Sheperd's purse | Witce's pouches | Bolsa de pastor |
Silver Powder | Polvo de plata | |
Skullcap | Germander Madweed | |
Slippery elm | Olmo American | |
Slow berries | Blackthorn | |
Solomon's seal root | ||
Spearmint | Hierbabuena | |
Spikenard root | Nard | Nardo |
Spirulina powder | Blue-green algae | |
Squaw vine | Checkerberry | |
St. Jonh's Wort | Klamath weed | |
Stevia Leaf | ||
Stone root | Knob root | Raiz de piedra |
Strawberry leaf | Hoja de fresa | |
Sulfur | Azufre | |
Sumac Berry | ||
Tansy herb | ||
Thyme | Serpyllum | Tomillo |
Toasted corn | Maíz tostado | |
Tonka beans | ||
Turkey rhubarb root | Ruibarbo de pavo | |
Turmeric root | Indian saffron | Cúrcuma |
Uva ursi | Beaberry | |
Valerian | Valeriana | |
Vervain | Verbena | |
Vetivert | Vetiver | |
Vitex (chaste) berry | Arbol casto | |
Wakame flakes | Alga wakame | Alga wakame |
Watercress | Yellow cress | Berro |
White willow bark | European willos | Sauce Blanco |
Wild cherry bark | Black choke | Cereza silvestre |
Wild lettuce | ||
Wintergreen leaf | Axocopaque | |
Witch Hazel Leaf | Winter bloom | |
Witche's grass | ||
Wood betony | Lousewort | |
Wormwood | Ajenjo | |
Yarrow | Milenrama | |
Yellow dock | Narrow dock | Lengua de vaca |
Yellow mustard seed | Semilla de mostaza amarilla | |
Yerba mate | Yerba mate | |
Yerba Santa | Mountain balm | Yerba Santa |
Yohimbe | ||
Yucca root | Cassava |